Beratung auf Englisch – Counselling in English

We offer expert counselling in English. To this end, there are several options to choose from:

Face-to-face, Video or Phone Counselling

For everybody who is affected by anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating or any other eating disorder. This offer is open for both children/teenagers and adults – Girls/women, boys/men as well as their relatives, friends, colleagues, superiors or anyone else who is in need of counselling related to eating disorders.

You receive a free-of-charge first counselling to clarify what we can do for you. This takes about one hour and there is the option of making follow-up appointments. Fees occur starting with third session (20 EUR / 10 EUR concession rate).

Counselling for relatives costs 30 EUR and takes about 60 min.

The counselling sessions are held by M. Sc. Psychologist Viola Windgassen.

For a face-to-face counselling please send us an e-mail via our secure Email counselling or call us. If you are interested in video or telephone counselling, you can make an appointment online.

E-mail Counselling

Have you got questions about eating disorders or do you need more information about other counselling services, therapists or clinics? Or perhaps you just want to get in touch with us to get someone else’s opinion?

If so, please send us an e-mail via our secure  Email counselling. – we will reply to you personally and without bureaucratic hassle.

If you need information we will give it to you directly. If you explain your situation to us, we will do whatever we can to try and help you. Maybe with one e-mail we will have answered all your questions or maybe you will want to write back to start an ongoing e-mail exchange – we are here for you as long as you need us!

Please note:

We are a counselling center for eating disorders and not a crisis service.
We can not provide support in acute crisis situations.
Telephone numbers and addresses of crisis services:

Adressen und Telefonnummern Krisendienste


Aktionskreis für Ess- und Magersucht Cinderella e.V.

Gaßnerstraße 17
D-80639 München

Telefon: +49 / 89 / 502 12 12

Online-Beratung und Online-Terminbuchung:
Hier klicken

Terminanfragen für persönliche Termine vor Ort und sonstige Anliegen:

 Cinderella Infoflyer Download (PDF)


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Sie erreichen uns mit den Trambahnlinien 12, 16 und 17 und mit den Buslinien 51 und 151 - Haltestelle Romanplatz. Vom dort aus sind es fünf Minuten zu Fuß zu uns.

Mit der S-Bahn:

Oder Sie steigen am S-Bahnhof Laim aus, von dort sind es ca. 15 - 20 Min. zu Fuß.
Alternativ fahren Sie von Laim aus mit den Buslinien 51 (Ri. Moosach Bhf) oder 151 (Ri. Westfriedhof) bis zur Haltestelle Hirschgartenallee.

Vom Hauptbahnhof sind wir in etwa 20 Min. zu erreichen.